The headquarter of of the Institute of Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary center for nanotechnology research and development. The research center exploits novel nanotechnology concepts in different areas, from basic research to emerging technologies, including applied projects focused on industrial and societal challenges. Its scientific activities, carried out within national and international collaborations with academic and industrial institutions, can be framed into four fundamental platforms: Materials, Photonics and Optoelectronics, Nanobiotechnologies, and Advanced Devices.

An extensive research infrastructure organized in seven different facilities provides the proper environment for research related to material synthesis, device fabrication, and advanced characterization of materials, systems and devices.
The research activities of the CNR Nanotec @ Lecce are focused on the following main focus areas:
- Advanced Devices
- Materials Science
- Modeling and Computation
- Nano-Biotechnology
- Photonics & Optoelectronics
- PlasmaCheM
Where we are

Institute of Nanotechnology
Director: Prof. Giuseppe Gigli
Phone: +39 0832-319801
PEC: protocollo.nanotec@pec.cnr.it
CNR Nanotec
Head Quarter
c/o Campus Ecotekne
Via Monteroni
73100, Lecce, Italy
Partita IVA: IT 02118311006
Codice Fiscale: 80054330586