Andrea Zattoni

Scientific education and training

· 30 October 1997: degree in Chemistry at the University of Bologna. Degree thesis: “Signal interpretation in quantitative analysis with gravitational field fractionation techniques – flow (GrFFF) and UV-Vis detectors” Supervisor: Prof. Pierluigi Reschiglian.

· April – November 1998: Lunds Tekniska Högskola research grant at the Department of Technical Analytical Chemistry of Lund University (Sweden), within the European Research Project INCO-COPERNICUS “Development of rapid methods for assessing the quality of starch particles from various cereal species for purposes of the agricultural and food industry”

· 14 December 2000: Specialist Diploma in Chemical Control and Analysis Methodologies. Specialization thesis: “Analysis of dimensional and mass distribution of cereal starch in field-flow fractionation (FFF) and its interest in the agri-food field” Supervisor: Prof. Pierluigi Reschiglian.
· May 2004: PhD in Chemical Sciences. Title of the final dissertation: “Detection techniques for field-flow fractionation. Fundamental, instrumental and methodological developments.”
· February 2004 – February 2006: Research Collaboration Contract (Research Grant), renewed annually, within the project “Separation techniques coupled to spectrophotometric and mass spectrometric detection for the characterization of nano and microsystems” at the Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician” of the University of Bologna.

· From 1 March 2006 to 14 September 2014: University Researcher in the disciplinary sector CHIM/01 – Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Bologna

· From 15 September 2014: Associate Professor in the disciplinary sector CHIM/01 – Analytical Chemistry at the “G. Ciamician” Department of Chemistry of the University of Bologna

Teaching activity

· to. to. 2001/02 and 2002/03: teaching support activities lasting 30 hours per year as part of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory courses I and II of the Degree course in Chemistry.

· to. to. 2003/04: tutoring for the IA and IB Analytical Chemistry Laboratory courses. (30 hours)

· to. to. 2004/05: contract professor at the MM Faculty of Sciences. FF. NN. of the University of Bologna, for a 30-hour teaching module as part of the teaching of “Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry,” for the Degree Course in Chemistry.

· to. to. 2005/06: tutoring for the Laboratory courses in Analytical Chemistry I and II (Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry, 30 + 30 hours), and tutoring for the Laboratory course in Analytical Chemistry with Clinical Applications (Specialist Degree in Biological Health Sciences, 15 hours).

· From the. to. 2003/04: lectures for students of the PhD course in Chemical Sciences (XIX and XX cycles) of the University of Bologna (Coupling of low impact mass spectrometry with liquid phase separation techniques for bioanalytical applications).

· From the. to. 2006/07: teaching role in Analytical Chemistry for the degree course in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and teaching module of Analytical Chemistry exercises for the degree course in Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Sports Sciences, University of Bologna.


Author of over 60 papers, mainly in high IF international journals. Author of over 180 contributions to national and international scientific conferences.

Scientific recognitions

· In 2001 he received the “Young Researcher” Award, awarded by the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society.

Editorial collaboration activities

· In the years 2003-2004 he was a consultant for the Zanichelli Publishing House for the translation of the text: Daniel C. Harris, ”Quantitative Analytical Chemistry”, 2nd Italian edition based on the 6th English edition, published in 2005 [ISBN 8808-07541-9]

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