EDGE-TECH 2th Edition 2024


Join us for the second edition of EDGE-Tech workshop, where we delve into the forefront of innovation in biomedicine. This dynamic event will be a convergence point for those fascinated by the latest advancements in technology, specifically geared towards revolutionizing the biomedical landscape.
Three sessions will go deep into emerging and disruptive technologies for smart materials for biomedicine applications; innovative sensors and technologies for diagnostics; characterization methods for disentangling physiological and pathological microenvironments at the chip scale.
Throughout the workshop, esteemed international speakers will share with the audience their renowned expertise across various disciplines, including sensors, chemistry, microfluidics, and the development of innovative materials and devices. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain invaluable insights as these thought leaders share their experiences, paving the way for groundbreaking applications in biomedicine.

Hosted by the esteemed CNR NANOTEC and the University of Salento in the delightful and vibrant city of Lecce, this workshop promises to be a valuable opportunity for knowledge exchange and collaborations.

Grab this opportunity to be at the forefront of the technological innovation – reserve your seat today at the EDGE-Tech workshop!

Event Details
Raphael Pugin
Group Leader for Nanoscale Technology at CSEM Neuchatel
Micro & Nano Systems Business Unit at CSEM
Group Leader for Nanoscale Technology at Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique
Maurizio Prato
Professor at University of Trieste
University of Trieste
Maurizio Prato is an organic chemist, equally fluent in materials science and nanomedicine.
Jean-Louis Viovy
Professor at Institut Curie-Paris
Institut Curie-Paris
French physicist and polymer scientist and currently a researcher at CNRS (France).

Dr. Alessandro Delli Noci (Department of economic development - Apulia Region); Dr. Stefano Fabris (DSFTM – CNR); Prof. Alessandro Sannino (Experimental Medicine Department – UniSalento); Prof. Giuseppe Gigli (CNR NANOTEC – Tecnomed)

Section co-Chairs: A. Turco, V. Vergaro

Light-responsive polymers for neuro-inspired devices

Carbon-based nanomaterials interfacing with neurons: impact on signalling and regrowth

Mucosomes: innovative glycosylated mucin based nanoparticles as multi drug delivery platform

Synthetic, bioinspired and natural nanovectors: versatile platforms for diagnostic and therapeutic applications

Section co-Chairs: F. Ferrara, E. Primiceri

Micro and nano fabrication technologies to the service of modern days medical challenges

Tailored chemical designs for graphene FETs as biosensors to detect large and small molecules

Modeling and Multiphysics Simulations of the Electrical Response of Electrochemical Sensors

Hard or soft? The next generation of optical transducers is…

Section co-Chairs: M.S Chiriacò, E. Primiceri

New microfluidic formats for the growth and analysis of 3D cellular assemblies: droplets and gel-embedded microchannels

From muscle to tendon: engineering complex tissues and tissue interfaces using bioprinting

Oncology meet Organs-on chips: dissecting cellular interactions in heterogeneous cancer ecosystems

Seeking informativeness from separation science: the need for profilomics

Digital twins in biomedical sciences: From the cell to the whole human

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Face-to-face Interactions

Remaining Stock: Unlimited

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Virtual Networking

Remaining Stock: Unlimited

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Event Details