Raphael Pugin

Dr. Raphaël Pugin (m), Group Leader for Nanoscale Technology at Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique. Raphaël received his European doctorate in Chemistry from Strasbourg University, France and the Essen University, Germany.  Raphaël joined CSEM in 2001 where he was first project manager of various industrial and research projects focused on macromolecules self-assembly; he is currently Group Leader for Nanoscale Technology in the Business Unit Micro-/Nano-Systems. Raphaël’s current research activities include surface nanostructuring and functionalization, nanofabrication, the development of nanotech based sensors, and novel nanomaterials for Life Sciences, Photovoltaics and Aeronautics. Raphaël Pugin is coinventor of 12 patents and is author or co-author of 90 peer-reviewed publications. He has coordinated several European projects and is also Scientific Expert for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France), and member of several Scientic Committees (4M Association, NTN Innovative Surfaces, NCCR Bioinsipired Materials, Micronarc). In 2016 his research group has been awarded the Innovation Prize by The Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie France-Suisse.

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