Francesco Ferrara

Francesco Ferrara is reseacher at CNR Institure of Nanotechnology. From 2004 to 2022 he was application engineer at System Research & Applications (SRA) group of STMicroelectronics. MSc in microelectronics engineering at Polytechnic University of Bari (IT) and PhD in biomolecular nanotechnology at University of Salento (IT). From 2004 to 2010 he worked on the first diagnostic platform based on disposable silicon chip for molecular testing in ST microfluidic business unit. Since 2010 he is part Silicon Biotech group and he work on new disposable Real-Time PCR platform for molecular diagnosis with integrated sample preparation device. Expert in cleanroom fabrication, optoelectronics and microfluidics, he is involved in national and European funding projects in the field of new generation technologies for healthcare.

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