Elisabetta Primiceri

Elisabetta Primiceri (1982) received her master degree (magna cum laude) in Industruial and Molecular Biotechnology in 2006 at University of Bologna and in 2011 she finished her PhD in “Interdisciplinary Science and Technology” at University of  Salento, Lecce – Italy, with thesis entitle “Cell-Chip: new tools for cell biology”. Since 2011 she works as a post-doc researcher at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) in Lecce and from January 2019 she is permanent researcher at CNR Institute of Nanotechnology (CNR-Nanotec). Her activities are focused on the development of biosensors (expecially electrochemical and plasmonic detection) and new materials for sensing applications. She is also focused on the development of sensing platforms for cell biology.  Her skills include microfabrication techniques (photolithography and soft lithography), electrochemical measurements, electrosinthesys of polymers. She gained also experience in cell culture and cell biology.

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